Archive: Cats
A piece of their mind
Addendum: Republished from NewAPPS. See there the informative comment by John Protevi on the substance of Balko’s column—the fallibility of drug-sniffing dogs (and their trainers), and the resulting miscarriages of justice.
My late cat Mr. H came to be very good at knowing when I was finished playing a piece on the piano. I have recordings in which, a second or two after the piano stops, Mr. H’s characteristic yowl supplies a coda. One might almost think he had a grasp of musical form, but I’m quite sure that his grasp was rather of my habits than of anything to do with music. He had likely picked up something in my posture that correlated with finishing a piece, something distinctive enough that he was rarely deceived by pauses during a piece.
I was reminded of this in reading first a column by Radley Balko on police dogs and then some extracts from a book cited by Balko, Alexandra Horowitz’s Inside of a dog (the title alludes to a Groucho Marx joke, in case you’re wondering). Horowitz describes experiments in which domestic canines, when humans are present, tend to do much worse than their wild cousins.
Tested on their ability to, say, get a bit of food in a well-closed container, wolves keep trying and trying, and if the test is not rigged they eventually succeed through trial and error. Dogs, by contrast, tend to go at the container only until it appears that it won’t easily be opened. Then they look at any person in the room and begin a variety of attention-getting and solicitation behaviors until the person relents and helps them get into the box (180).
Anyone who has a dog or cat will recognize the phenomenon. Are dogs, then, dumber than wolves? Horowitz doesn’t think so.
Sunday cat pix
·· More from April 2011
Cats need no wisdom from philosophers.
LG, 10 Apr 2011
Sunday cat pix
·· More from January 2011
A pragmatic approach to William James.
LG, 22 Oct 2010
Sunday Cat Pix
·· More from December 2010
It takes three blankets to make Musa snug.
Musa, 28 Nov 2010
Halloween cat pix
·· More from October 2010
Sunday cat (and spider) pix
·· More from October 2010
Josie naps now on a bookshelf on the back porch which is bathed in sun most of the day.
Josie, 27 Oct 2010 (credit: M)
Sunday Cat Pix
·· More from October 2010
Autumn colors suit Josie well.
Josie, 11 Oct 2010
Sunday cat pix
·· More from September 2010
Out after their once-a-year cleaning.
Mice & Musa, 22 June 2010
Sunday cat pix
·· More from September 2010
From the archives: your basic cat-on-the-carpet shot.
Musa, 12 June 2010
Sunday cat pix
·· More from September 2010
Only by antiphrasis is Musa fragile. Nevertheless you must handle her with care.
Musa, 16 Sep 2010