
Only one copy left!

An author must have a small ego indeed not to check his or her Amazon rankings every so often. Amazon now has a link to each book’s spot in yesterday’s ranking. You can see who your neighbors are in the estimation of book buyers everywhere, where by “everywhere” I mean of course the United States.
On Friday I just happened to look at Spirits and clocks which, as readers of this weblog will know, has been remaindered (but not at Amazon). Usually S&C sits comfortably in the five to eight hundred thousands. But on Friday it had shot up to the 87,000s!
Someone must have bought a copy.
Ever since then it has sunk precipitously. Apparently people have been buying other books. Yesterday it had sunk to 239,871 and today it has plunged yet further to 319,410. Eighty thousand places in a single day! At this rate I will soon be in the Amazonian equivalent of the Oort Cloud.
Only you can prevent this catastrophe. Spend much more money than you need to and buy Spirits and clocks at Amazon. There’s only one copy in stock!
In the meantime, here are my recent neighbors in the rankings: Russell and Hissy Fit.
13 May
14 May
  • 319,409.
    Hissy Fit CD Low Price [Abridged]
    by Mary Kay Andrews, Keating Isabel (Narrator)
  • 319,411. 
    Reinventing Film Studies (A Hodder Arnold Publication)
    by Christine Gledhill, Linda Williams

LinkMay 14, 2006 in Books · Jeux d’esprit